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HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) is the most powerful camera ever sent to another planet, one of six instruments onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.


Dark Light
Athabasca Valles

Athabasca Valles

This image is of the upper part of Athabasca Valles, a very young flood channel on Mars that might have been carved by a flood of lava instead of a flood of water.
Noachis Terra

Detecting Olivine near Noachis Terra

This observation shows the bedrock on the floor of a crater near Noachis Terra. This crater is unique because it has been very well characterized as being olivine rich.
Olympia Undae

Those Gypsum Dunes

This image suggestion outlines a contact between gypsum-rich dunes in Olympia Undae and flat-lying layers of the basal…
Terra Sabaea

Possible Impact Melt in Terra Sabaea

Nighttime and daytime infrared images from THEMIS suggest a consolidated deposit in the floor of this ancient crater in Terra Sabaea, potentially with some bedrock exposure.
Echua Chasma

A Rising Ridge

This obsevation focuses a ridge that is standing above the old lava surface of the floor of Echua Chasma.
Fans and Polygons

Fans and Polygons

This is a place where fans emerge relatively late in the Martian spring from polygonal cracks owing to the process of sublimation.